Tuesday, June 17, 2008

apa kata hati...

ikut rasa, binasa
ikut hati, mati
ikut jiwa ,lara
ikut iman,...tenang

Sesungguhnya tiada yang mudah dalam kehidupan ini selain menempuh seribu halangan sebelum mencapai sebuah kejayaan! Itu adalah percaturan hidup...Seperti membeli makanan di kedai pun kita harus berjalan,..dalam perjalanan ke kedai bermacam-macam harus kita tempuh,penat dan harus beratur menunggu giliran untuk membeli..kadang-kadang pabila sampai turnkita..makanan itu habis...kita kecewa! Tapi sedarkah kita bahwa masih banyak kedai makan yang menjual pelbagai makanan di tempat lain...sekiranya kita masih punya 'daya,usaha dan kemahuan serta berbekalkan semangat' mungkin kedai lain itu punya makanan yang lebihhh enak dari kedai yang sebelumnya!SIAPA TAHU...

to get something that we really adore with does not easy as we say " I WANT THAT" like when we love someone,...we naturally will not say "I WANT YOU or I LIKE U" on directly, becoz as human being we have a very limited of strength to 'speak out'. Sometimes a person will take a week to put decision to react and take many years to make declaration to be in love wif someone! WHY THIS THING HAPPEN?
becoz all of us had been given by God a 'HEART'. It's not a heart that we can see through ECG scan, but a HEART that deeply inside in our internal soul. Which the form of it is un explain, very abstract and very literal.


Is that sentence was right?for me it WILL yes, when the decision is coming from ur heart was been guided by praying to 4JJI, may the decision we chose is RIGHT and blessing. WHY MUST BE PRAYING n BLESSING? the answer is simple... THE RIGHT THING WAS CAME FROM GOD AND THE WORSE WAS CAME BY OUR OWN POOR CAPABLE THINKING AS HUMAN BEING...(yang baik itu datang dari Allah dan yang buruk(jelek) itu datangnya dari kelemahan manusia itu sendiri) wahhualam...

im not here for babble...but juz an advice to all of us and to MYSELF indeed, becoz as human being we;re weak and poor BUT by the guided of 4JJI all those thing in our life will be 'STRONG' n 'RICH'...amin...

p/s:im waiting for d rite time to impress my feeling BUT am i able to do it so? but my heart says...'TAKE ur TIME'

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