Sunday, October 12, 2008

I got i-POP


(why i am laughing like a man wins 4D?)
ahhah im still laughing and keep laughing 'till my jaw cramp!

almost 2 months im seeking for this SINGING BOX finally i was 'stumbled' to Lil friend Zetti Chan...arigato gozaimas!!! she made me this lil i-POP...even finally i need to 'break it through' bcoz..she put many "CRAPS" songs (jahhhhatt..)hahha anyway u made my blog much happening!Muaaahh(^^,)/

well...nuthin to 'load into' for this time,...wanna continue my DUTY la...
once more....MAKACIHHH ZETI..(kegilaan cikgu mengajar saya membuat SINGING BOX telah membuah hasil)

1 comment:

Kekanak Osaka said...

hoih...penat aku pilih lagu buh lam kotak lalak mu itu...kamu pi buang pulok...dari 30 tinggal 10 ...adeh...
anak murid tak kenang budi....hahahahahha...nanti hari guru saya nak hadiah air biru

