Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Finally I got my permanent time table for class!My teaching schedule. I have to teach SMR and SMA students!waattt...thats so challenging. But wat can I do eh? The answer is N.O.T.H.I.N.G...redha jer la!
Anyway,..like usual day my routine of life is JUST same..
Back from school at 2.00pm straight for lunch, rest for a moment (just make sure tht my meals already been digested) and go for bathe and pray (of coz) and get some nap (of coz) and wake up again around 4pm...online for a moment (looking for email+chat wif friends who want to join my chat) and 5.00pm watching CAT DOG and until 5.30 SPONGE BOB (compulsory)and so..on until 6pm! huh...
Then,..if i felt hungry...go out for buy some meal and McD is my 1st choice coz d restaurant juz 5 minute away! If possible...HANGGG OUT wif some other friends at cafe..or..juz take away..or..mostly having dinner wif family at restaurant...kwelll OR juz keep my stomach SHUT UP..(means..lazy to eat)

WEll my night scene..is juz like other human on earth...8pm until 10pm TV's TIME..watching HBO is my favo!10pm until..11.30 online if possible or needed! BBUTT some around 9.30pm..i already can sleep! hahahah KAKI TIDUR

fuhh..that;s all I needed!FOOD,MONEY,DRINK,FRIEND,TV,SLEEP,PRAYER...and so..on

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